Soul Mates is a multi award winning toys and games brand! Our Kids Eco Yoga Mats, Storypillows and books have won the following awards, which is recognition of the appreciation by both consumers, child development experts and toy industry professionals.
Soul Mates Kids Eco Mats

Tillywig "Parents Favorite Products Award", awarded to the Soul Mates Kids Eco Mats – Sun and Moon, at the Tillywig, Illinois, USA. 15 June 2021.
The Creative Child Awards "2021 Kids Product Of The Year Award", awarded to the Soul Mates Kids Eco Yoga Mats in the USA on the 3rd June 2021.
The Creative Child Awards "2021 Eco Friendly Product of the Year Award", awarded to the Soul Mates Kids Eco Yoga Mats in the USA on the 3rd June 2021.
Outdoor Toy Awards "Highly Commended Outdoor Sport Toys", awarded to Soul Mates Kids Yoga Mats on 22nd June 2021.
Soul Mates Story Pillows

Tillywig "Parents Favorite Products Award", awarded to the Soul Mates Storypillow - Cloud, at the Tillywig, Illinois, USA. 15 June 2021
The Creative Child Awards "2021 TOY OF THE YEAR AWARD", awarded to the Soul Mates Story Pillows - Moon, in the USA on the 3rd June 2021.
The Creative Child Awards "2021 Travel Fun Of The Year Award", awarded to the Soul Mates Story Pillows – Moon, in the USA on the 3rd June 2021.
Made For Mum Awards "2021 Best Sleep Aid Toy", awarded Silver to Soul Mates Story Pillow - Wave, on 12th October 2021.
Soul Mates Story Books
Readers' Favorite awarded I am Sun with a "Readers' Favorite ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 Star Review" August 2021.
Thanks to the consumers, toy professionals, educational professionals and psychologists for assessing, appreciating and awarding us the recognition of the quality and value Soul Mates Kids Yoga.